Hello, I'm Karen Sternberg, the owner and president of Mrs. Jones & Company. Mrs. Jones & Co. is a unique, online jewelry boutique that offers a highly edited collection of unusual jewelry, gifts and objets de vertu. I am a GIA Graduate Gemologist who loves jewelry and gemstones. My multi-"faceted" career in the fine jewelry industry has spanned more than 32 years.
I created Mrs. Jones & Co. in 2011 as a logical extension of a successful career as a Graduate Gemologist, Retailer, Wholesaler, Private Jeweler, Certified Appraiser and Jewelry Consultant. Throughout my career, I have received recognition and commendation for the quality of my appraisal work and my superb eye in selecting outstanding gems and unique pieces of jewelry.
Mrs. Jones & Co. is committed to using ethically sourced diamonds, colored stones and precious metals whenever possible. We all have a commitment to our environment and we seek to practice
environmental responsibility throughout the jewelry production process whenever possible. Please see our page regarding conflict free diamonds, ethically sourced stones and reclaimed gold.
Read about it here.
Mrs. Jones & Co. is known for our attention to detail and our "white glove"customer service. We look forward to creating an ongoing relationship with each customer. We seek to entice, entertain, educate and inspire you with our beautiful pieces of jewelry. Don't forget, we offer free shipping in the United States.
Our goal is to make sure you are a happy, satisfied customer! Enough talking, now it is
time to shop!
Karen Sternberg, G.G.